you wake up on a rainy monday morning and you are aleady in a bad mood because you didn't get enough sleep and you know you will be late for uni.
you walk out of your bedroom. in front of you are 2 doors. the first one leads to the bathroom, where you could clean yourself and get ready at least a bit, the second door opens the way to the kitchen where you could grab a quick bite to eat before you have to run to the campus to get there in time.
Do you want to look clean and fresh for uni or do you want to satisfy your great hunger?
[[first door -> bathroom]]
[[second door -> kitchen]]
you get ready very fast and run out of your flat.
you get in your red car and start it.
[[ next step -> car]]you are in the kitchen.
you open the fridgedoor and you decide to eat the cheese you got 2 weeks ago even thought it's probably expired.
you finish the cheese with some bread.
eventually you run out of your flat and get in your red car.
[[next step-> car]]you're now in your car.
you rush to your campus as fast as possible.
[[campus->campus]]you touch the rusty thing called door and as it slowly opens more and more, step by step, the wrong feeling in your stomach grows bigger and bigger.
the door is now fully opened and what you see surprises you in a pretty bad way.
you're now standing in the doorframe of the literature class and everyone in there is staring at you, the professor included.
seconds of silence passed until you finally got the guts to say sorry, close the door and run away.
that was embarassing, wasn't it?
well as soon as you realise you're still standing there, you carefully walk to the cafeteria to get you some cafe to calm down. you think if you're already late you could drink something before you go in there too.
[[cafeteria->cafeteria]]congratulations! you took the right door!
you are 5 minutes late, but you race up to your seat and start listening to the professor.
minutes go by, when suddenly a fearful scream filled the whole campus.
as you look around in the students faces, you notice that they all seem a little bit strange. by the time you realise that their faces are melting and turning into a very scary looking skull, you feel unexpectly warm and anxious. the skull headed students surround you and all of the sudden you sense a sword inside your neck and then you're gone.
[[next->death0]]after you have arrived, you walk down the corridors to search for your physics classroom, but you cannot decide between 2 doors.
the first one looks quite old and rusty while the second one has quite a modern look.
which one are you taking? and keep in mind, you're late for your first ever class.
[[the rusty door->literature room]]
[[the modern door->physics room]]you let yourself down at one of the many tables in the cafeteria to drink the cafe you just bought.
nobody's in here, except you. i guess they are all in their classes aren't they? well not that you would know...
you calmly drink your delicious cafe, while you open your mac-book to get some work done for your french class tomorrow.
you're so concentrated in writing your homework, that you almost didn't hear the fearful scream that fulfilled the whole campus.
at first you don't know what to do, but then your instinct tells you to run away as fast as possible and that's exactly what you do. you run.
you run out of the campus, to your car.
but... do you still remember which color it has?
there are two cars in front of you and screams which are getting louder every second behind you.
soo you gotta decide fast.
[[the blue car-> death]]
[[the red car-> red car]]the sounds of screams behind you are extreme loud right now. you take a carful look back, just to see people with a skull-head running to you.
you run to the car and try to open it, but it's not your car so your key won't work at it.
the skull-zombies get to you and kill you.
congrats, you're dead :)
[[restart the game->Untitled Passage]] you take your key and try to open the door.. and YAY!
you get in as fast as possible.
quickly you start the car and drive away.
you drive home.
you are still so in shock that you just want to pick up some important things from your flat and then just drive on.
you're home.
but as you get inside the building and want to walk through the entrance of your flat you realise that the door is slightly opened.
with a pounding heart and with sweat running down your forehead you go closer and closer.
as you arrived at the doorstep and look down, you see a small, neon orange post-it. you carefully bend down and pick it up from the ground.
soo you wonder what's written on there right?? well....
"in the fridge is a special thing for you, solve the riddle, take that object and carefully put it in the microwave.
°you can't drink it but you can smell it,
and if you shake it you could break it.°
good luck!"
[[go solve the riddle-> kitchen2]]
[[ignore it and pick up your stuff->bedroom]]
good choice.
you walk to your fridge and open it. in the fridge are only 4 things.
a glass of milk, an egg, a spicy sauce and a beer
i hope you remembered the riddle so you can decide which is the right thing to take.
[[glass of milk->death1]]
[[an egg->next stop]]
[[spicy sauce->death2]]
[[beer-> death3]] you decide to ignore the post-it and the riddle and just walk to your bedroom to get some important things.
when you get there you have to open the door, but because you don't have a key and your bedroom is locked, you are not able to open it.
soooo do you still want to try open your bedroom door in other ways or do you want to go back and follow the riddle?
[[go back->foyer]]
[[stay->stay (death)]]
you take the glass of milk and put it in the microwave.
you put the timer on 1 minute and then you take it out.
carefully (because it's hot) you put the glass to your mouth and drink a bit of the warm milk.
well are you sure the nilk was the right object though?
i guess it wasn't because now you turn really green and all of sudden you fall backwards.
you're dead.
[[restart the game->Untitled Passage]] ok, so you take the egg?
are you 100% sure ?
you carefully put the egg in the microwave and set the timer for 1 minute.
after the bell from your microwave rang, you open it and take the now brown egg out.
the egg you're holding starts to melt? do eggs have the ability to melt?
after it melt down to the half you notice a tiny key in there.
but that's not everything.
there's also a little paper inside, whereupon a note stands.
"go take your things and drive to that adress. there you'll find the next task."
[[ignore it and go to your living room-> living room]]you take the spicy sauce and putit in the microwave as told.
you put the timer on 1 minute and then you put the now hot spicy sauce carefully out.
what to do now?? eat/drink it i guess.
you drink a bit of the spicy sauce and after a few seconds you feel a bit dizzy.
you put the bottle away and the time you wanted to get the milk oput of the fridge to cool down a bit, you can't breathe anymore.
you're dead.
[[restart the game->Untitled Passage]] you get the beer out of the fridge and you think it's quite dumb putting it in the microwave now. so you drink the cold beer and put the empty bottle on your table.
everything's fine isn't it ?
well ...
suddenly your stomach starts to crumble and you know that you're just about to puke.
you puke so loudly and so much that you accidentily swallow some of your gross puke again.
um yeah
you're dead.
[[restart the game->Untitled Passage]] you're dead.
i guess doing something foreseen as in taking the right room is not always the best choice :).
[[restart the game->Untitled Passage]] you go back to the foyer and start to wonder why there's a riddle in yourhouse anyway and who put that in here?? well i guess you'll never know...
you get the sheet of paper and go to the kitchen.
[[go to kitchen-> kitchen2]] after a little bit of time searching for an object, which will help you open the door, you find a very sharp pencil. you take the pencil and try to open your bedroom with it, but as you put it on the door your hand slips and the pencil flies in one of your eyes.
you die :)
[[restart the game->Untitled Passage]] you sit on the couch and take the remote control to switch on the TV.
but as soon as you touch the power-on button, the TV goes all white and big flashing red words appear.
a cold shower runs over your whole body and feel a big lump in your throat.
what are you doing?
[[ ignore and walk to your balcony-> death4]]
[[ go back and do what you're told-> kitchen3]]you walk to your balcony, even though you're pretty scared. the time you are about to touch the doorframe of the balcony, you hear a LOUD siren.
fearfully you take a huge step back, but then you suddenly feel a big hand grabing your waist and as soon as you dare to look behind you the hand wanders up to your throat and squeezes it.
you never saw who did that, but you are not able to think about it any longer because you're dead.
[[please restart the game->Untitled Passage]]
you're scared as hell.
that's why you grab the most important things and leave.
you run to your car, but in all the huirry you don't even realise that it's now more pinkish than actual red.
you get in and drive to that strange adresse.
after an almost 2 hour ride, you slowly start to notice all those dark rusty houses around you. this neighbourhood seems pretty deserted...
thank god you only have to drive through it right?
the next little town does look pretty colorful, and suddenly you recognise the streets and the houses. you and your family lived here, before... well before you moved because of your university and before the big arguement you and your family had...
it beeps, it's the navigation system in your car. it always does this when you arrived at your destination.
you look around and then you see something, which surprises you. pretty huge surprise.
it's your old house. well actually your family's house.
should you go inside?? even though your beloved (sarcasm) family may be here?
i mean do you have such a big choice? you have to follow the riddle, or else literally anything could happen.
[[get inside->family house]]
[[stay->thinking state]]
you get out off your car and take the little key with you.
as you slowly get closer and closer to the door, you start to feel a bit uncomfortable. you ignore the strange feeling though.
the time you get there your hands started to shiver and get cold, but you still put one of it on the doorknob and knock with the other one.
minutes pass, and exactly when you wanted to give up an just get back to your car, the door opens.
after it did, many things happen very fast at the same time.
you look in the empty gray eyes from the person standing in front of you and you get so scared, that you drop the tiny key, which you completely forgpot you had with you.
the 'person' grabs your wrists and pulls you strongly into the house, where you see a huge floor full of pointed nails.
the hand around the wrist loosens and before you could tell what happens you fall on the ground. withe nails now stuck in you.
you can imagine what's up now right?
yeah you are indeed dead.
[[please restart the game->Untitled Passage]] you decided to stay in your car?
you stay in there for a couple of minutes and then you actually think about getting out of your car and inside the house.
you grab the key and then you notice the little garage next to the house.
you don't know why but you have the urge to go there, so you go.
in front of the garage you stop. 'isn't that all a little weird' you think to yourself. uhm yeah it is indeed, but you do you
you touch the garage door and look over it. ten you see a lock. great.
you get the key out of your pocket and put it in the lock.
and as soon as the key turned around one time there is a sound like a clack.
you push it open and see something, what you never ever have expected to see.
your family. all of them togfether in this tiny garage, with lots of colorful decorations and in the middle of it all, a big table with a really delicious looking cake.
what in god's name is happening??
my mom is walking right to me talking happily "we know we argued a lot, and i know we've hurt you. but today's your birthday, sooo we thought we would surprise you and maybe catch up a little?"
hesistantly you open your móuth:" umm... well thank you i guess?? i mean i definitely didn't expect all those riddles and things, but yeaahhh thanks"
"which other things?", she asked.
"well all those scream effects and people dressed up as zombies.."
"i am sorry..but i don't think that we did that..."
and suddenly there was a huge noise, and as soon you all looked around quite shocked, you saw a big shadow.
the shadow grows and grows and then,.... you are all dead.
[[the end->end]]
well that's the end i guess.
now what did we learn out of this dumb short horror story?
maybe that you shouldn't always take the things that seem the best. you should think about what you're doing or what you want to achieve wehen you are deciding something. always.
yeah anywaysss this is getting tooo cheesy and dumb so yeah
thanks for reading, i hope you did not die too often :)
PS: i actually wanted to write a romance story and now what do we have? a whole horror story. wtf.